The Master the SAT Bootcamp is $249 for the early bird special and $299 after the early registration deadline. All class materials are Included, including the online eCourse you can use to continue studying following the class. Each additional sibling from the same family home is only $149.
We pack a lot into the program for the price, and you and your child will get enormous value. Other programs (which do not have the College Prep Genius proven track record of success) can run into hundreds and even thousands of dollars. I stand by the design, techniques and tips as well as the guided practice that we offer. You’ll also get extra value from the online resources that we provide free to all program participants.
Imagine this: If your student receives a $250K scholarship, that is the same as receiving 1000 times your initial investment! And in case you’re wondering, this truly happens!
The Master the SAT eCourse is a one year subscription membership that ranges from $99 to $159.
- The Fundamental Package includes the online videos, the College Prep Genius Textbook, the College Prep Genius Workbook along with additional extras.
- The Expanded Package includes the online videos, the College Prep Genius Textbook, the College Prep Genius Workbook and three Vocab Cafe Series eBooks.
- The Comprehensive Package includes the online videos, the College Prep Genius Textbook, the College Prep Genius Workbook, High School Prep Genius and complete Vocab Cafe Series eBooks.